How It Works

Simple process that saves your time and value for money

Login to our booking portal at via desktop, tablet or even from your mobile

Create Jobs by clicking "New Job" from the side menu then enter your pickup and delivery point.

Once you have filled up the booking details you may preview your booking order and confirm once everything looks OK.

You will then be redirected to the page where we will use our "ZeptoPower" to find you a "ZeptoPartner".

You could also create your next booking order while waiting for us to complete the magic.

We will let you know once we have found you a ZeptoPartner, and you may make payment to start the job.

We love notifying our customers through their own dashboard with the live tracking feature that calculates the running time and the location of the ZeptoPartner that is assigned to the job order.

You may plan your time while tracking the parcel delivery in real-time or maybe get yourself a cup of coffee while waiting for the job order to complete.